I was looking at the kids in my apartment, I thought to myself – how simple
life is. Nothing to worry, the only thing we really worried was for the next
toy that our parents would buy.
I ever wanted when I grew up, is to be just like those aunties in 30’s who didn’t
have to worry about exams and they can buy whatever they want. I am 30 today, I
can only think of the saying “the grass is always greener on the other side”.
matter where I am, the other side always seems pleasant. I am still juggling
between lots of troubles within the small pleasures of life, still, it is not
enough. I want to stay in my bed all day, think about nothing, make my own
coffee, and sit by the window just like in movies because they always look good
in movies. I am married by the way, so, when I see these movies where the
married couple talk and laugh – I cannot relate my life being that green! I do
not know if it ever will happen but that’s always something I look forward to
being married for ten years, there is not much I am expecting. I am not sure if
it’s my age or what I expect of the man I married either way, now, life feels
simple – ignorance is now bliss!
imagine of the days that I might sit by the window and have a peaceful cup of
coffee hoping it will happen some day and that I will find my “happy place”
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