When I was born, I ruled this world. My mother and father listened to everything I said and bought me everything I wanted because they either loved me so much or I broke their ears. Time passed by, I had everything I wanted and still nothing I wanted. Every time I looked into my room there was one more of the things my friends had that I didn’t. I grew up looking more at others than looking at my own. The more I added, the happier I thought it was going to get me. I now sit in the middle of my room, looking around all things that my parents bought me. I am not sure if I should remember the irritation that I caused when they bought it for me or to remember of my times to keep up with my friends or foes. Where are my parents now? When I want them to buy me happiness in their laughs? In the super tasty food that my mum made for me which I threw away in anger? Where are the friends that I was trying to keep up with? Where am I right now?
This blog is a snapshot of my life and those around mine!